Random Thoughts

You were brilliant. You used to accomplish more than what was expected from you. You have always beaten everyone’s expectation and established yourself as a hero. Now, everyone’s keeping an eye on you. Everyone expects that you’d do something…
He fails more than most. He fails almost all the time. In relationships…In businesses…In life…In almost everything. Once he wondered why so much of failure. But then he got it – taking more chances were the cause of his…
How often do you think that things are not moving forward as expected? Are you waiting for the right answer and a well-crafted path so that you can start performing well? This is precisely why you don’t perform that…
Nick, the teenager was undergoing a personal relationship challenge once again. “I should visit my father and seek some guidance,” he thought to himself. He considered his father to be his friend, philosopher, and guide. So, he went to…