What I’m doing now

Today marks the 68th day of 2024, coinciding with International Women’s Day.

Last week saw my return to active duties after an extended stay in India—nearly seven weeks, surpassing my usual Q1 time in the country.

This unusual extension was necessitated by family health matters and several business obligations, anchoring me in India longer than anticipated, even in Q1.

My journey back to India commenced in the second week of January, following a rejuvenating year-end in the UK. This period was marked by what I fondly term ‘deliberate laziness.’

For nearly three weeks, I steered clear of business or planned activities, embracing serendipity. This interlude was refreshing, introspective, and distinct, punctuated only by the conscious indulgence in Gluhwein.

Upon my return, I revisited Upsquare’s strategic direction, structuring our work into missions, programs, and singular projects.

Although initially planning a strategy meeting in three phases, after the first session, I recognized the need to defer the remaining discussions to the next quarter. It underscored a lesson: visionary pursuits often require adaptive methods, and altering plans is a part of the journey.

On a personal note, my exploration through reading persists, my health remains stable, and my routine of green tea and warm water continues. I’ve been contemplating a unique state of being—neither overtly happy nor unhappy, where the pursuit of happiness isn’t the priority.

Does this neutral state offer greater service to humanity, or should we embrace the natural ebb and flow of joy and sorrow? This question, a pivotal aspect of life design, is still under exploration on my part.

In the end, answers are not found but formulated to align with our evolving grasp of the moment. Thus, the quest for understanding goes on.

Meanwhile, my engagement continues with #dhandhekafunda posts on LinkedIn and my newsletter, The Radical Rainmaker.

Last update date: Friday, 08 March 2024. (Page inspired by Leo Babauta and Derek Sivers)