
Ask Why and why and why again till you got your answer. Related Read: Five Why Technique by Tanmay Vora. Radiate energy. Keep moving. Act Now. Get Results. Retrospect. Radiate energy and keep moving. When you fail, get back…
Lead from the front; Rely on actions, not on talks; Keep higher goals for yourself than for your followers; Doing what you say you’ll do; Don’t tolerate unethical conduct; Reward yourself last; Delegate work to the right people; Reward…
If you’re good, good. If you’re not, you’re not. What’s the need of proving it to someone else? People who need to know that you’re good, already know it and others just don’t care. Your work is NOT to…
When you work with a traditional company, you follow more or less this: You join the company; You understand its processes and systems; You sharpen your skills if need be; You get settled, …and you progress predictably. That is…
During the course of their long journey, a renowned master and his student were passing by a village one morning. They stopped by a villager’s house to request some water. While giving them a jug of water, a villager…