Random Thoughts

…is that it might enable your colleague to outperform. The problem with not sharing your knowledge is that it will seldom add up different perspectives to what you already know. Some of you believe that sharing your knowledge is…
Saying I’m sorry; Agreeing to respectfully disagree; Choosing servant leadership over self-interest; Offering tolerance; Creating coalitions; Respecting the weak, not just the strong; Making sacrifices of short term, number-driven gains; Leading beyond your title… …are different forms of potency. And…
Are you proud of the Email that you just wrote? The energy and time people put into writing emails should be applauded. It gets people to change their thoughts. It coaxes some people into taking decisions that they otherwise…
Why are you doing whatever you are doing? Because you like it? Because you don’t know anything else that you can do? Because you do not have abundant means to start doing something different? Because you are scared to change?…
Not all conflicts can be avoided. Not all conflicts are disastrous. When you accept these two truths, your approach to your communication will change. If you build a conflict-liberal organization, you focus more on the real problem that needs…