Random Thoughts

There are two problems with complaining. First, it doesn’t work. You can complain about your company, your country or your friend’s cooking habits but nothing will change except you’ll end up wasting your time. Second, complaining has a boomerang…
Amateurish Vs. Amateurlike. There’s a difference between the two. Amateurlike makes a great performer; Amateurish create scenes. Amateurlike brings a fresh view to programming problems; Amateurish delivers something other than agreed scope. Amateurlike has conquered her fears and is…
Believe that you can get better; Just start getting better. Even a tiny dosage of betterment is fine. Start with simplifying. Ask: do you have a personal betterment plan? Yes or no. If no, develop one; if yes, move…
Stop talking. Stop talking nonsense, at least. The problem with talkers is that they rarely go into the greater depth of the details. The programmer who replies, “We must go with MVVM pattern for this application because of (concrete)…