Random Thoughts

“There is nothing good or bad, only thinking makes it so.” ~ Hamlet Quality of our world is directly proportionate to the images we see when we encounter the words – spoken or heard. Here’s what we do subconsciously…
So you want to stay positive regardless of what happens to you? Here is how to stay positive even when situations don’t let you. “Keep your face always toward the sunshine – and shadows will fall behind you.” ~…
I have learned a LOT reading Nicholas Bate’s blog. A very different way of communicating and making sense of the things. See some of his interesting posts: Be Bold Zen & Art of Cubicle Freedom Lists for Live You…
Staying calm even in stressful situations; Switching off mobile phones often; At least 6-hours of sleep every day; Possibility thinking; No more than two cups of tea; TV-free and Newspaper-free day; Making the best of today!…