Observe the conversation below: “When I say that Jack is the Module Lead and anything that goes right or wrong in the module, Jack is responsible, I’d like to know how you acknowledge it, Jack?” Jack replied: “It means…
Most projects don’t collapse sensationally. They collapse slowly. But you wouldn’t know that just by sitting in the steering meetings or reading monthly project status reports. Same way, businesses, families, societies, and even countries collapse. Slowly. The good and bad thing…
Two simple yet rarely practiced secrets of managing a service business are as simple as hell: Care about details. At least don’t deliver a bad experience. The amazing thing is how little attention is paid to these two, and how…
Haven’t you heard the word ‘urgent’ used even when the matter is not so urgent? It’s a known tactic which might be effective in the short term but not otherwise, for sure. Why? Because the word itself is overrated….