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The power of limits is astounding. If you put a limit on certain activities, you can do another set of activities. The good thing is that it is up to you what activities you want to put limits on….
She was managing one of the most important projects of the company for the past 2 years. One day, the junior most team member asked her if he was smart, she said, “No”. He asked him again if he thinks…
Was that confrontation essential? That’s the question you need to ask post each confrontation. Sure, confrontation is a powerful tool in bringing your team members to the next level but pausing and measuring the progress is even more important….
Distinguish the distinctions of your business no matter what your business is. Leading a Business is unlike any other role of an organization because it’s always unique. Unstructured, unpredictable, atypical…typically, a right brain activity. No predefined set of rules…
Have you ever led a team that has an inordinate team member? In most cases, it is good to eliminate such a team member sooner than later. However, there are situations where you employ the tactical approach and don’t…