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Dive into UV’s blog for insights and stories from various facets of life. Expand your perspective with relatable content, encouraging deeper connections and thoughtful conversations.

I have learned a LOT reading Nicholas Bate’s blog. A very different way of communicating and making sense of the things. See some of his interesting posts: Be Bold Zen & Art of Cubicle Freedom Lists for Live You…
Staying calm even in stressful situations; Switching off mobile phones often; At least 6-hours of sleep every day; Possibility thinking; No more than two cups of tea; TV-free and Newspaper-free day; Making the best of today!…
I prefer not to jump to the conclusions especially when I don’t have necessary data and well-thought perceptions about a matter.  I prefer not to conclude on the matter until it makes an absolute sense. Because I believe that conclusion…
You were brilliant. You used to accomplish more than what was expected from you. You have always beaten everyone’s expectation and established yourself as a hero. Now, everyone’s keeping an eye on you. Everyone expects that you’d do something…