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You can’t take everything for granted. Of course, you can, but then the world also will do the same with you. The possessions you have, the life partner you have got or the business relationships that you are proud…
The nagging customer represents a tribe of customers will try to bully you. They won’t listen to your phone call,  they will use the incorrect version of the application manual, they will whine about your app size by comparing…
Here’s an open letter On Behalf of Execution to all of us: Without me, the strategy is useless. So is planning, ideas, wisdom or knowledge… It is okay to execute, unreasonably. Beyond the boundaries of what’s usual, accepted or…
Do you know who is your project customer? Those who have a habit of learning project management via the internet know Elizabeth Harrin. She has written a  book on Customer-Centric Project Management, which has just been released. She has…