Make a difference

It’s not true that an organization cannot give you a good pay hike. Your organization may yell about bad economy or missed deadlines and say that you need to lower your pay-hike expectations. You don’t need to. Instead, you…
…start doing what motivates you, instead. If you think that your true calling should be similar to what Gates or Jobs had, you’re missing a point. If you think your true calling should be similar to what Nelson Mandela…
You are mediocre if you: speak only what everybody wants to hear; trust the wisdom of the crowd; generally, have excuses ready for not doing something that matters; are afraid to get out of the status-quo; are reactive, almost…
The power of limits is astounding. If you put a limit on certain activities, you can do another set of activities. The good thing is that it is up to you what activities you want to put limits on….
Oh yes, that’s also a part of our service offerings (although it’s not explicitly mentioned). Oh yes, we must open three of new branches in new geographies this year (although my main business is not doing well). Oh yes,…