Random Thoughts

Are you a perfectionist? Have you ever encountered a feeling where you find yourself pissed off because something is not working as it should? Do you think that success is deliberately keeping away from you despite your good talent?…
How to deal with people who irritate you? Think of a person who irritated you recently. Who is that person? Your colleague, spouse, children, friend, mother-in-law, neighbor or a political leader … who? How was your state of irritation…
If you see a movie that challenges your dominating premises and it does not resonate with you, then you label it an “art” film. “It is made for Oscars and critics, not for me. I’m a man with a…
Many people believe that there’s something wrong with intending to be successful. I have heard it more often than not, that you have to be ready to do “wrong” things to be successful and you may have to overrule…