Reading an insightful post from Michael Wade. Title of the post is “Patience and Impatience.” The post is about human behavior. How we choose to be patient or impatient in given situations and what triggers our that very act. In…
Do you know who is your project customer? Those who have a habit of learning project management via the internet know Elizabeth Harrin. She has written a book on Customer-Centric Project Management, which has just been released. She has…
1. Clean Vs. Clumsy 2. Salty Vs. Sweet 3. Thin Vs. Fat 4. Western Vs. Eastern 5. Modern Vs. Conventional 6. Interesting Vs. Uninteresting 7. Minimalistic Vs. Maximalist 8. Responsive Vs. Irresponsive 9. Being a Linchpin Vs. Being a…
A Gladiator of Radiance needs courage and agility at the same time. Two surefire ways to an error-prone strategy are: Act without thinking enough Think too much and delay the actions To avoid making these errors, the gladiator deals…
Just returned from the evening walk. On the street, I read a signboard: “Whom have you helped today?” Probably the signboard was created for a cause, but it got me thinking…thinking about helping selflessly. Reflected on what Flora Edwards…