I’ve seen many business heads keeping no stones unturned to chase the numbers. Generally, numbers are good and keep people motivated however if the numbers do not create the feeling of excitement in your people, its a time to…
Unhappy employee Not feeling fulfilled Irrelevant job needs and the person skills Weaker / undefined career path Lack of recognition The family needs not met Because the spouse (or someone very important) is settling to another city or country…
When the performance appraisal happens, and one colleague is promoted, many of his co-workers don’t feel good. They compare themselves with him and conclude that their boss favors only who flatters her. Always, that may not be the case….
The unexpressed goal of any life is self-actualization and “learning” is one of the key tools that help you actualize yourself. Learning involves the process of learning, unlearning and relearning. This process obviously invites an encounter with failure and…
In my decade long career, I’ve observed different types of managers: Good and bad; effective and ineffective; powerful and poor. Different. Today I’m going to write about some of the common acts; one or more usually found in the…