Haven’t you heard the word ‘urgent’ used even when the matter is not so urgent? It’s a known tactic which might be effective in the short term but not otherwise, for sure. Why? Because the word itself is overrated….
Undelivered value and just applauding inputs…is easy compared to delivering something that makes a difference. Applauding your Service Delivery Manager being online at 2:00 am to handle client escalation is easy. Applauding your VP of Sales traveling to tens of…
There are various data-based metrics that tell you if your business is thriving and there are certain behavioral patterns also that tell you the same. Here is some light on the behavioral patterns: Your business consistently gets more leads than…
Though it brings rewards in the end, most of us are afraid of challenging our own thought-patterns as if it were an invasive brain surgery. We’re designed this way, right? Wrong. But yes, we’re conditioned this way. A few weeks…