
Haven’t you heard the word ‘urgent’ used even when the matter is not so urgent? It’s a known tactic which might be effective in the short term but not otherwise, for sure. Why? Because the word itself is overrated….
Read. Read more; Read meaningful books; Read meaningful books and blogs; Keep reading; Keep reading something you would like to learn from; Walk. Walk more; Keep walking; Keep walking; pause; Keep walking; pause, pause often; Keep walking, pause often; Reflect…
Undelivered value and just applauding inputs…is easy compared to delivering something that makes a difference. Applauding your Service Delivery Manager being online at 2:00 am to handle client escalation is easy. Applauding your VP of Sales traveling to tens of…
There are various data-based metrics that tell you if your business is thriving and there are certain behavioral patterns also that tell you the same.  Here is some light on the behavioral patterns: Your business consistently gets more leads than…