A few days ago, in a tech community, I participated in an interesting discussion about making India a software product nation. India as a Software Product Nation One of the main discussion points was if it is possible to…
If you exchange gold for dollars, you receive dollars, but your gold is gone. But if you share your wisdom even without any expectations, then: A service business, whether you are a practicing doctor, engineer, or consultant, is like…
“Light purse makes a heavy heart.” ~ Benjamin Franklin Not having enough money can cause one to suffer. The suffering may involve stress, anger, depression, and unhappiness. A lot of them. Granted, it isn’t your fault if you were…
“Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead.” ~ Benjamin Franklin These ancient words hold even in today’s world of great transparency, clarity, and intelligence. Why? Because, by design, business means the creation of value, and…