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You’ve heard of Return on Investment, I know. But have you heard of Return on User Experience or RoUX as I call it? Or, if you’ve heard, have your attentively thought about it? ROI is easy to measure. You…
“I am afraid that I will fail” This is sad thinking. Sad because it prevents you from taking actions. If you are “thinking” that you’ll fail, it is most likely that you will. A better thought is, “What will I…
The other day, a friend and I were talking. He was not happy because he was not able to help his needy relative. Not surprisingly, my friend’s life was challenging and he found one more way to feel victimized. I…
Do you love plans? Do you consider them as a blueprint for your execution? Do you think that the more perfect your plan, better your chances of success? Consider the following story which is true, unfortunately: In 2011, Rick founded…
Do you feel fulfilled when you read a motivational book, read a self-help blog post or see an inspirational YouTube video? You should not! It’s easier to feel fulfilled and be satisfied to observe someone accomplishing something significant. In…