
A Lion is a Lion, there is no question of him being anything other than a Lion.

And the potato is a potato. Neither does the Lion ever try to become a potato nor does the potato ever try to become a Lion.


Hence, there is no anxiety between the Lions and the potatoes. They don’t need an Arbiter to resolve their internal problems if there are any.

A Lion respects the potato and the potato respects the Lion. They respect each other so much that they even do not eat each other.

The whole world seems to have a clear understanding of the distinction between a Lion and the potato except men.

Men have their insistence: “You must be doing this particular thing (because I think it is right)!”

Men want other people to behave in a particular way –  in the name of society, in the name of tradition, in the name of a relationship, or in the name of love …

And the struggle begins: you are torn between who you are and what you must be doing according to the other human beings.

The MUSTS don’t enjoy a good relationship with ‘is’ (being).

If you think about the Lion and Potato example, it’ll become obvious that you cannot be anything other than who you are.

Once this is clear, there is no fight. There is no stress. Nothing is to be proved. Nothing more is to be accepted. What remains is pure YOU and your reality, no matter how beautiful or ugly that is.

So, can a Lion learn from the Potato?

Sure, it can if he wants to but it is not a must for the Potato to learn from the Lion. Potato does not become inferior or unimportant if it learns nothing from the Lion.

Same is the case with Lions. Did you get it?

Unfortunately, the MUSTS of the past have taught us to ignore the simple things like this distinction and we try to turn others into something they are not.

The result?

Certainly, something that is not natural.

Will such results make you feel accomplished, happy or loved?


Then why practice MUSTS?