#QUALITYtweet Book By Tanmay Vora

I’ve been reading and reflecting upon #QUALITYtweet book for quite some time as an early reviewer. And I think I became a more quality-aware person because of this process!

The book offers insights to deal with people, process, and leadership from the quality perspective in an easy to remember insights – tweet form.

Here are some of the bites from the #QUALITYtweet book:

  • #QUALITYtweet 53: Critical question: when did you last assess how your customers, suppliers, and people perceive you? (People & Quality)
  • #QUALITYtweet 70: Correction helps you SURVIVE in the short term. Prevention helps you SUSTAIN in the long term. (Process & Quality)
  • #QUALITYtweet 92: You can improve a lot in areas that have no tangible business impact. That’s a waste. Pick the right areas for improvement. (Management, Leadership & Quality)

The book is available on Amazon and worth having a look. Here are a few possible applications of this book:

  • To spread the importance of quality at almost every level of the organization;
  • To inspire building/enhancing the business frameworks with giving the necessary attention to quality; 
  • To start or conclude a business presentation which can directly or indirectly be influenced by the quality as a subject;
  • To validate certain non-business-centric projects where you want quality results – e.g. managing marriages, parties or anything that involves people and performance;

The author of this book, Tanmay Vora blogs at QAspire where similar insights on quality can be read. The editor of this book,  Rajesh Setty is not new for the readers of this blog. Flavors of  Life Beyond Code can also be enjoyed in his profound editing.

Kudos Tanmay for authoring such an insightful book!