On networking

It’s been a few months since I got a new interest: networking.

I think understanding networking in depth will help me improve my work.

I had never consciously touched upon the subject of networking but better late than never.

In business, people invest in networking activities willingly or unwillingly.

The problem is many executives, professionals, and entrepreneurs consider networking as an inauthentic and exploitative activity.

There is some truth to it too. People often invest in networking to gain some benefits from the activity.

I am not done with my research yet, and I have a little understanding of the subject, but I think networking is a wonderful gift to a professional when done right.

Good networking provides more opportunities, deeper knowledge, and an improved capacity to innovate and make things better.

I have started to believe when done right; networking can also improve one’s personal life.

While looking at Networking from a business and opportunity perspective, I found this interesting article from Harvard Business Review: Learn to Love Networking. The article is written by Tiziana Casciaro, Francesca Gino, and Maryam Kouchaki.

Some of you might know that for the last few months, thanks to my friend Tanmay Vora, I’ve been learning to take notes in the form of sketchnotes. I did the same while reading this article on Networking. Here is the sketch note:


I think the four take-home points from the article: focus on learning, identify common interests, think broadly about what you can give, and find a higher purpose have a great potential to make you a better professional and better creator.

What do you think?