My Happy Clients 12

Regardless of the business, you want to have happy clients.

Here are some of my thoughts about certain actions that directly or indirectly involve clients and can make clients happy (or sad if not done right):

  1. Never let the team’s internal conflicts come in a way of doing what is right for the client;
  2. Give your clients a deal that can add value to their business and focuses on long term results; then harvest what you plow;
  3. Have a regular meeting with your clients. If they are communicating with you,  they are essentially not communicating with your competition;
  4. Show gratitude to them. You are where you are because they are doing business with you;
  5. Respect your client’s time;
  6. Eliminate red-tape;
  7. Fast is better than slow. Make operations simple where quick-execution is effortlessly done;
  8. Invest in people and infrastructure;
  9. If you need a consultant to know what’s best for your client, then you don’t know what you’re doing – it might be okay too if you know how to hire the right consultant and still get the right thing done;
  10. Keep promises. It might be regarding a meeting, a report, a software delivery or anything;
  11. Focus on solving their problems with simplest possible solutions. Simple is better than complex;
  12. Find the ways that make it easier for them to do business with you!

There are some of the actions that revolve around your business, people, processes and tools that you use or create. Sure, the list is not comprehensive but it will give you some food for thought about what can be done to make the clients happy.