Do you want to be wiser than who you are?
Silly question.
We all want to. We all want to learn. We all want to better our lives. But the problem is, we have a lot more commitments and a lot less time.
We follow thousands of people on Twitter, Facebook and Google+ and our data feeds are filled with so much information that often we fill guilty of not consuming the wealth of wisdom available to us.
What to do?
Enter Audvisor: It’s a mobile app that brings bite-sized insights from the world’s top experts for us to listen to and get wiser. Anytime. Anywhere. While driving. While walking. While taking lunch or while getting a haircut!
The remarkable thing? The constraint of 3 minutes. We get all these insights from hundreds of handpicked experts – all under 3 minutes.
Audvisor’s app has found its place on my iPhone’s home screen for almost a week now. I’ve been using it almost every day.
I listen to Audvisor’s insight early morning and “think” about the topic during the day whenever I get a few free minutes.
Here’s my first-day experience with Audvisor
I spent my first 1.47 seconds on Audvisor listening to Tom Peter‘s advice on The Real Problem.: Here are my notes from it:
Gem 1:
The problem is never the problem. The response to the problem is almost always the problem.
Gem 2:
Perception is all there is, there is no reality. There is only perception. So, the way you deal with the problem, is so much more important than the problem itself.
Simple thought. Profound concept. Just 1.47 minutes of my time. Positive ROI.
Another audvise I listened to was Pamela Slim‘s Communicating with Clarity. She touches upon how we miss practicing general protocols of clear communication in our everyday communication. My notes:
Gem 1:
What’s the BEST way for the person whom I’m writing to, to respond me back without the need of processing ?
Gem 2:
Stay away from Jargons and Buzzwords. Tell heart touching stories. Don’t be complex. Use words that a 7th standard student can understand.
And there are 100 more experts to learn from. Seth Godin. Guy Kawasaki. Ishita Gupta. Kevin Eikenberry. Dr. Liz Alexander. All renowned experts.
About Audvisor’s UX
Now about the App’s user experience: The app is easy to use, has no learning curve and lives up to the promises made on their marketing website.
App’s interface is clean and offers Tinder like cards view but with a sensible twist. The gestures feel intuitive.
It is certainly developed with a lot of care, attention to detail and love, which Rajesh Setty, co-founder of Audvisor, is known for – Bringing Ideas To Life, With Love!
In terms of user experience, Audvisor app is off to a very good start.
What I Would Like to See In Future Updates of Audvisor
I liked the idea so much that I could not stop myself thinking about it for an hour. I could visualize that eventually, Audvisor will become even better when it will get some of the features that I would like to see:
#1 Save audio locally: Ability to save the audio so that I can listen to it again when I’m traveling and do not have consistent access to 3G, LTE or WiFi networks.
#2 More learning on the subject: A feature that offers manually curated useful links to related articles, videos, papers or books on the subject. 3 minutes are sufficient to trigger an action, but more info on the subject, if available to me via an optional gesture or a button, would be of great help in leveraging what I have learned.
#3 Save to Pocket Ability to save the audvise to Pocket or other read it later service. It also opens a possibility to offer the same audvise via a web interface to save it on Read It Later, the audvise needs a permanent place on the web.
#4 Ability to edit Tweet text: When I choose to share an audvise with twitter, I would love to be presented with an auto-populated tweet, which I can customize if I want to. Current implementation posts the tweet automatically for me which is good, but I wanted more control over the tweet text.
#5 Search: Ability to Search by topics, experts, and keywords – this would be a great feature especially when there are a lot of topics and experts.
#6 Assign an action on a particular Audvise: Ability to assign a set of actions to a particular Audvise. If I want to extend my learning on a particular insight, I would want to create a to-do and set a reminder. An alternative could be an ability to send Audvisor link to tools such as Trello for further actions.
#7 Vidvisor: Maybe an enhancement (or a companion app) where I can see the Videos of the experts as well if I want to.
#8 Trending audvises: Twitter-like trends for audvises.
#9 Likes: Ability to give thumbs up or down on an audvise. The litmus test for experts. Will make the platform more trusted.
#10 Stories: Audio (and video) stories of people who have listened to the audvise and how they have put it in action – and the results that they have seen because of it.
I also see that Audvisor has the potential to become a gateway between teachers and students for bite-sized learning. Imagine a teacher creating 3 minutes or less audio/video lesson on learning maths, Spanish or history on any other subject.
Mini-sagas, ThinkTweet, and Audvisor – bite-sized insights cannot get better than this.
Audvisor adds value to the learners. I vouch for it.
Audvisor seems to add value to the experts – as they get more exposure and acts as a gateway creating more value through their services, products, and advice.
Everyone who uses Audvisor wins. Experts. Learners. Creators of Audvisor.
If you’re using iPhone, check out this push-button app for learning today. If you’re using Android, follow this link.
I’m sure you’d want to thank me for this heads up. Feel free to invite me for a coffee. I like espresso shots. I take no sugar and no milk. Just coffee.
I like coffee in its pure form and perhaps that’s why I liked Audvisor. You also might :).